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Monday, 14 December 2009

BBC rejection

Just a swift update tonight. If you read my last entry you will know I emailed the BBC about appearing on the one show. I failed. I'm sorry you won't be able to see me on the television, but all is not lost! They asked if I had ever considered radio as I have the looks and personality for it.

Fingers crossed that I may get a slot on the radio in the new year. I'm thinking radio two, I will put forward my proposals for a paranormal hour, or perhaps a consumer advise hour, maybe even something to do with pigeons! I met a man last week who claimed his pigeons were worth £50,000!!!! I'm sure that would bring the listeners in, maybe even play a bit of jazz in between callers?

Strangly, I haven't been contacted by the dead today. I thought I briefly saw Robert Fripp, but he's still alive. It may have been a doorway to another dimension or the reflection from the glass panels in my dining room doors, people do tell me I'm Fripps double!

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