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Sunday, 20 December 2009

Message from an old friend

I haven't updated for a few days as I've been in a state of shock! I received a message from an old friend the other day, quite out of the blue. I didn't even know he was still in the country or even if he was still alive.

I was sat watching a documentary about Jazz Fusion when my phone went off. I didn't recognise the number, the text simply said "is this Eddie". I replied "yes it is, whom is this?". It turned out it was Jeff, I had not heard from him for 13 years!

We exchanged pleasantries for a few texts, then came his real motivation for texting. "I know this is out of the blue, but can you lend me £2000 mate?" I replied that I was sorry but could not afford £20 let alone £2000!

That's when things turned sinister, I can't even publish what his response was!!! I rang the number to try and reason with him but the line just went dead. In a bit of a state, I didn't know what to do so I rang Jerry.

Me and Jerry hadn't spoken for a week or so after he gave me some bad advise, I had deleted his mobile number from my phone, so I found his home number in the phone book. After explaining to Jerry what had happened, he revealed some startling information. Jeff died two years ago!!!!

This left me shaken, I'm used to ghosts in my home and garden, but haunting by text message is another thing all together! Needless to say I've gone through plenty off Jazz and hot chocolate these past two days!

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