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Monday, 7 December 2009

Eric the craftsman

It was about 6.30 this morning when I went outside to put some trash in my dustbin. Walking down the path past my garden shed i noticed a small amount of smoke drifting through the gaps in the roof.

I cautiously opened the door and was confronted by a rather large cat perched on a shelf that I'm sure i didn't put there! The smoke I thought I'd seen wasn't smoke at all, it was warm cat breath from the large black moggy. The cat had a tag round his neck that said "Eric".

Mystery solved i thought, I was wrong. Just as I was about to leave a voice said "do you like the shelf?" "I put it there, Its for my cat Reg." I looked around but no one else was there.

I'm left wondering if this was a ghost, or more likely it was the cat that spoke? thinking about it logically it would be hard for a cat to build a shelf, but it's quite common for cats to own other cats, and in most cases they would give them a name.

What do you think? I've been left quite confused by it all.

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