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Tuesday, 29 December 2009

yuletide bereavement, sigh....

I haven't been able to update for a while as I have suffered a bereavement. Bereavements are hard any time of year, but Christmas day seems especially hard. I woke up at 5.00am, came down stairs to make a coffee, that's when I found Julian, limp and lifeless in the corner of his fish tank. He was a proud and strong balloon molly, he had such a powerful dorsal fin and a beautiful face, he looked a lot like Julian Clary, hence the name Julian.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the day got progressively worse.....

When it came time to open the presents all thoughts of Julian briefly vanished. My wife came into the living room holding a fairly large box, my eyes lit up, its the projector I've been after, I foolishly thought! I opened it to be confronted with a radio alarm clock! I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I'm pretty sure it was the free gift from my isp, the one I wrote about the other week. All was not lost though, she also bought me some engraved fork handles. They read "Eddy" instead of "Eddie", you can't win them all I suppose.

I bought my wife a £70.00 saddle of mutton, which I wrapped about ten days before Christmas. When she opened it the rotting flesh burnt my eyes, in my haste to rinse them I used the bucket of water I had put Julian in!! My vision was cloudy for about 20 minutes, but i can see alright now so no harm done. I also gave her a pearl necklace, the look on her face when she received it made up for my earlier disappointment.

My wife is Czechoslovakian, so she insists on having goose for Christmas dinner. This isn't so bad in itself, but she serves it guts and all, my constitution was bending under the strain of intestines and the like. She then served some kind of pudding, I still don't know what it was! It did contain a lot of sour milk and sour cream, again this is because she is Czechoslovakian. I noticed a little later my neck had swollen a couple of inches.

After dinner the dishwasher broke, water started pouring all over the floor! It was also emitting a strange smell, it smelled a bit like the rotting mutton from earlier in the day. After an extensive mopping session all that was left to do was bury Julian. He had grown too large to fit in a match box, he was the size of a eunuch's toe, I know these are large because I'm often visited by a eunuch called Vincent, he often sings me to sleep, he has such a soothing voice. I ended up constructing a coffin from the cats shelf in the garage, I then buried him whilst playing a song that was on classic FM, using my new radio alarm clock.

It had been an emotional day, I'm left feeling guilty about Julian's death. I have been studying noetic science for the last 2 years, this has left me convinced I could communicate with my fish. Perhaps my powerful human thoughts became to much for Julian's tiny fish brain? I just don't know.
I have just had a lovely piece of quiche though, and look forward to the new year with renewed hope and vigour.....


  1. I am sincerley sorry for your loss. Julian wasnt just a fish, he was a friend.
    I dont mean to appear insensitive but did you happen to keep his swim bladder??
    My shibumkin, Fregulsminth, has a medical condition which prevents him from swimming properly. After numerous tests, the Doctor has said he has a slow puncture in his swim bladder. Its deeply upsetting to watch him try to swim to the bottom of his fish tank only to experience an immense upthrust which forces him straight back to the top at quite a viscous speed. I feel his other Shibumkin friends are talking about him around the back of the castle and this fish mocking can not go on.
    Anyway, let me know.

  2. Thankyou for your kind words sir, they certainly help in this time of despair. You are correct that Julian was a friend, a very dear one. Pets are more than just that, we share life experiences with them, all the highs and lows are shared together.

    I'm sorry to hear about Fregulsminth, you are correct that fish mocking must not be tolerated! have you tried applying Noetic science? You should be able to correct his swimming with your thoughts, this would stop the mocking but could be detrementle to his health, I would suggest contacting his doctor again.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!
    Happy new year!!!

  3. Hmm. Noetic science. An interesting theory. I will have to concede that this isnt my strongest area. Is there any literature around this subject?
    Whilst I understand that this could have an affect on his health, I still think that this could be worthwhile. Following advice from a well know swim bladder source, I tried feeding him frozen pees but to no avail.
    Again, let me know if you have further information.
    Appreciated Eddie

  4. You could try this site
    or this one
    Of course there is always the wikipedia page aswell

    Hope this helps, and good look on your journey of discovery!

    Happy new year
