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Wednesday, 9 December 2009

I went to the future!

I was sat on the toilet this morning trying to expell quite a heavy stool when it happened, I saw the future! As I was pushing I became extremely light headed then had my future vision.

I saw myself making a phone call to my isp about a free gift they had promised me but was yet to recieve. I also saw myself making a cup of tea and two mutton and mushroom sandwiches. The light headedness then passed and the vision finished.

Thats when the truely remarkable happened, it all came true! I finished in the bathroom, went downstairs and called my isp. I spoke with a nice Indian fella called Steve, who told me to email them as there was a problem with the postage of my free gift. I then made a cup of tea and two mutton and mushroom sandwiches!

This may seem too unbelievable to the average person, but this is not so strange for me, strange things happen to me all the time. Sceptics among you may just think my vision of the future were just thought processes, but I'm the biggest sceptic out there and I'm pretty sure I went into the future.

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